Your Request Make Us Better

Have you ever face any difficulties in solving some computer problems?

or you might be looking for some desired softwares so long but could not be found?

Well, this page is purposely designed to any visitor to make request with us.

We will not try, but do our best to find the solution .

Please do not hesitate to make request here.

Editor : 涅吉

The post Your Request Make Us Better is edited by 涅吉 on Saturday, December 11, 2010. Please feel free to comment here but not spamming, enjoy downloading~


  1. My laptop is suffering start up problem, it cannot enter the log on screen. It just hang with a black screen.

    Try this

  3. Try to got into safe mode. When you see a boot screen, just get keep on clicking the F8 button, and then choose "Safe Mode" or "Last Known Good Configuration", and then try to switch back what you've done before.
